Ehsaas Aghosh Program 2024 Online Apply

Health and education are the basic rights of every person, regardless of their financial status. The government of Punjab has stepped forward to fulfill these Rights by launching an initiative called the ehsaas aghosh program. It is a health and nutrition Conditional cash transfer program. The main purpose of the scheme is to improve Maternal and newborn health, especially of those families who cannot look after the mother and baby in the prenatal And postnatal period.
The first 100 days of a baby are very important in physical and cognitive development. Therefore, our government has started to distribute Rs 17000 in different installments to poor pregnant/ lactating mothers so that they can look after their children in a better way.
Aghosh Program Registration 2023
The government of Punjab has started the Aaghosh program through Punjab social protection authority (spa) under the umbrella of the Punjab human capital investment project (PHCIP). This scheme is started in 11 districts of South Punjab. Seventeen thousand rupees will be given to poor and eligible pregnant lactating Mothers of 564000 families living in these 11 districts.
The registration procedure for the scheme is easy: pregnant ladies need to visit her near BHU ( basic health unit) along with their CNIC. The staff of BHU will enter the mother’s credentials, and confirmatory text will be sent to Mother’s mobile number. After that, biometric verification at HBL is necessary to complete the Aghosh program online check process.
احساس آغوش پروگرام کے ذریعے بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام سے رجسٹر حاملہ خواتین یا دودھ پلانے والی خواتین کو 17 ہزار روپے دیے جائیں اس رجسٹریشن کے لئے حاملہ یا دودھ پلانے والی خواتین یا اس کی ساس کا بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام میں اہل ہونا ضروری ہے. پروگرام کی رجسٹریشن کے لئے اپنی یونین کونسل کے بنیادی صحت مرکز تشریف لائیں۔گے۔
Ehsaas Aghosh Program 17000 online Apply 2023
Aaghosh program checks online 2023 registration has started. Every pregnant or lactating mother can register herself at any stage of the registration process. She needs to visit her nearest BHU, and her details ID card, No of children, and poverty score will be checked. She will receive her amount from HBL Konnect center in different installments according to her visit to BHU, and offical website.
Ehsaas Aghosh program benefits and facilities
There are countless Aghosh program benefits, and the financial packages of 17000 will be given to mothers.
The following are the details of the disbursement of Rs 17000.
Following is the list of benefits and facilities
Health service is available 24/7 by upgrading BHUs and RHCs with the latest equipment. Facility-qualified staff, including medical officers, WMO, and lady health workers, are selected to serve the people.
Ehsaas Aghosh program 2023 Eligibility Criteria
To receive financial aid of 17000 rupees Aghosh program in Punjab, your eligibility criteria must be fulfilled.
Aghosh Program for Orphans
Aghosh Al Khidmat Foundation is offering orphan care to deserving students so that their education and health cannot be compromised. AGhosh homes / Aaghosh orphanages have been set to provide quality education and health facilities. If you are not able to verify cnic due to blur issue than you can use Remini pro.
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Aghosh Program App
You don’t need to use any application. You just need to visit your nearest BHU along with your CNIC.
Districts Included in the Ehsaas Aaghosh Program 2023
There are eleven Districts of south Punjab included in this initiaive.
Aghosh Program helpline Number
If you are facing any difficulty in the registration process or have any complaints, you can dial the social protection helpline number “1221”. online Aghosh Registration form 2023
You don’t need to fill out any form yourself. You should carry your CNIC and bay farm of your child to BHU. All lactating mothers can also avail of the facility of Rs 1500 for male children and Rs 2000 for female children 3 monthly through the Ehsaas Nashonuma program.
آغوش پروگرام کے سلسلے میں حاملہ عورتوں کے اندراج کے لیے اہم ھدایات۔۔۔۔۔
- آپ تمام بنیفشیریز کو ھدایت کریں کہ وہ اپنے نئے شناختی کارڈ، اپنے شوہر کے شناختی کارڈ،اور اپنی ساس کے شناختی کارڈ کے ساتھ ہسپتال آۓ
- ایسی عورتیں جن کا شناختی کارڈ اپنے والد کے نام کے ساتھ بنا ھوا ھے ان کو نیا کارڈ بنوانے کا کہیں کیونکہ والد کے نام والے کارڈ کے ساتھ آغوش پروگرام میں انکی رجسٹریشن نہیں ہو سکتی۔
- جن حاملہ عورتوں کی ساس بنیفشیریز ھیں ان کی ساس کے شناختی کارڈ کے بغیر انکی آغوش پروگرام میں رجسٹریشن نہیں ہو سکتی
- ہر حاملہ عورت کے لیے حمل کے دوران 4 وزٹ لازمی ھیں
- جن میں سے پہلا وزٹ ابتدائی 3 ماہ میں ضروری ھے
- ہر حاملہ کو قائل کریں کہ وہ شروع کے مہینوں سے ہی اپنی رجسٹریشن کروا لے
- ہر حاملہ عورت کو رجسٹریشن کے بعد فی الفور پیسے ملنا شروع نہیں ہو جاتے۔
- آپ انہیں بتائیں کہ نادرا میں کے ریکارڈ کی ویری فیکیشن میں کچھ وقت لگتا ہے اس لیے آپ کا نام کچھ عرصے بعد لسٹ میں آئے گا